I'm suddenly fascinated with the discovery of five things that seem to rhythmically move - as if they are messaging to each other - when i move my hand wistfully in the air ....my fingers! I oftern stretch my hand, twirl all five fingers to choreograph a dance routine in the air, and land up gobbling them up (literally gnawing at my fingers once the dance is completed!)

Of late, I've discovered its not just 5 - but 10 (tag team!) so I've started throwing my hands up in the air in joyous celebration of this new discovery and been prancing them along. Dad is trying hard to figure out a way to instead make me count on these fingers - I got time for that later! These fingers have become my best friends at night when I want to doze off...I start sucking the thumb, pull the sheets over my head, and slowly drift into sleep. 

I sure have found a very handy tip to go to bed...[thumbs up action]