So, I know its been a while since my last entry here - but I've been busy! Since my moni-bday, I've had a few changes in the household. Yes, Mom and Nani have been taking really good care of me...eating, sleeping and changing me (several times a day, often per hour). I went to the doc again for my regular visit and was told I'm doing well - gaining weight and height, so thats good.

I've also now started seeing things around me - identifying light, faces, dark objects, and been bobbing my head around to explore the world. Its quite tiring! ;) I've also changed my feeding pattern slightly..dont know why, but been getting more hungry lately.

Oh and there are a couple of other BIG news in the Sanghavi household - my Kaka just got engaged!! yay !! I have a kaki in the house already...see, I'm growing the family immediately!:) Also, in other news, Dad started a new job this week that's been hectic for him. But, he'll get used to it.

Ok..more later!