August 23, 2009
Curiosity is definitely not killing the cat...yet! I've started getting really inquisitive and interested in the world around - even through blank stares. From blocks of wood to empty ceilings and the rotating fan, I feel each thing has its own story - and I want to know it all! Each shape, color, size, moving or stagnant object - continue to fascinate and thrill.
All leading me to one question - whats next?!! [staring at the moving leaves as I ponder]
Posted by Hetav S.
August 18, 2009
So, summer's officially here and I guess you can't feel it more than in Fremont - with the heat! But, its also had its share of fun. Last week, we went to an semi-concert type of thingy they had in the park...but there were a looot of people! People camped out in their chairs, sipping their drinks and chilling on the grass lounging around. I reached there and started getting really excited by the music, dancing and general crowd enjoying the summer sun (late in the evening). Constantly tappin... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
August 10, 2009
Sometimes things just get to me and I have to express my discomfort in more than a few hums (words). This happened over the weekend when I'm not sure why, but I suddenly started feeling very uncomfortable (maybe was the heat outside), and I started rattling my hand and feet very actively coupled with rhythmic wailing. Parents were getting concerned as it was out of my norm to be like this, but a few walks in the open, pats on the back, amusing distractions later - I nestled back in bed. Needl... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
August 7, 2009
Road trips have been part of my growing up process - Lake Tahoe was the latest destination last week. It was Sean uncle's wedding with Pearl aunty. I was playing with the uncles and aunts on the drive in the car, with everyone giving me more attention than I deserved (ain't I humble?!). We drove in and saw beautiful mountains - some still snow capped - and I saw the ski slopes for the first time. Upon reaching the house, I was thrilled to see the view and my tree friends so close by the house... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
July 30, 2009
..hahah its not the typical itch that you'd expect me to have right now. This is more of an urge/itch to be outdoors explore the new world, aimlessly shoot my eyes around trying to identify things, and the general ambience of being exposed to mother nature. A few hours at home and I'm urging Mom to take me out through shrill squeals and pitiful eyes. Once out, I'm back to my good ole smiling self as I realize I've just been released from captivity. (mom really doesn't like the fact that I thin... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
July 25, 2009
Sounds, sights and feeling things, now part of my regular routine, I've started realizing that there's more to this big, wide world than just these things that are soo close to me. Starting earlier this past week, I've begun to detect peripheral sounds - chirping birds, music in the background (I do like some of the songs dad plays), and also sights. I now know when someone entered the room, gave me a quick look, and walked away. Not overly sensitive yet to sounds, I've started getting an app... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
July 18, 2009
Fluttering my feet in the cool waters of the pool....aaaah, blissful! This is my latest fascination with water. I've started getting familiarized with the advantages of kicking back (literally) and relaxing in the pool. Mom and me often go in the evenings to meet the other kids and get cool in this summer heat. We recently went for a dip in the pool with some of my uncles, and aunts and enjoyed the dipping I received with the cool water providing me with much-needed relief. I'm waiting for the... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
July 14, 2009
Things were getting slightly slow for me in life in general, so I decided to turn things up a notch...and how I did! Mom says this picture explains it:  I've become "super-hyper" in her words, and am now starting to express myself in more than just simple giggles and blank 'please-help-me' stares. I've been penting up a lot of energy the first few months and now feel that the world is out there for me to express it. So, been shouting (more like scree... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
July 9, 2009
It was a sunny, bright, and pleasant day at Mammoth Lake where I had gone for the long weekend with some uncles and aunts. The first day was pretty relaxing, just getting to Mammoth was long drive. But, the second day was really was my first hike!!! I know, I think it's slightly early, but I like to get a head start. :) We decided to hike the trail at Devils Postpile. I got ready, reached the hiking trail in a bus that went down windy roads (made me dizzy), and finally g... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
June 27, 2009
We visited the beautiful coastline of California yesterday - just to relax (I need it after being superactive last few weeks after I've started to learn to hold things and identify them). It was great cool weather and we walked around the streets - some really quaint shops and artistic expressions. I specially liked the Cannery Row area - kept staring at the different people and the area in general. Just kicked back and relaxed. My favorite part was the seaside dinner at a Mexican restaurant .... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
Quite a digital kid...
Veer Sanghavi |
Fremont, Ca |
I'm an early-adopter of tech and quite a techie (not coding, programming), but trying new web 2.0 services. I'm actively growing and have my staff updating this site and blog often - I have accepted the TOS for them representing me. I'm also on Facebook, GMail, Y! Mail, YouTube.
Not sure yet what I want to be once I grow up, but have time for that...just focusing on being healthy and playful in these growing years..