June 23, 2009
On a super nice Sunday morning, I knew the air was different as Dad and I spent the first couple of hours in the morning goofing around the house as Mom slept in. We kept smiling, playing, jeering, and most of all laughing at nothing resembling sanity. It then struck me midway through the morning... .its Father's Day!! and for my Father, his First one! So, I was overjoyed at the prospect of us celebrating the day together (not that we need a reason!) We went for a really nice lunch @ Santana Row (I took a power nap after a tiring morning), but I heard Mom and Dad had a great time trying new food. We then surprised Dad with his gifts and a really scrumptious dessert (thx Mom!) as evidenced here by some of the pics.   We strolled the row, had amazing fro-yo (which is Mom's favorite thing now!), and just chilled around playing with other kids and observing other fathers relishing their day and time with their little ones. I really enjoyed playing with Mom and Dad on the lawn and seeing other toddlers stroll around (and keep rolling around). Here's more of us goofing around...and oh yes, my awesome t-shirt!! 
Posted by Hetav S.
June 20, 2009
I'm not sure why but of late I've been squealing a lot - kinda expressing my anger at my old friends (leaves, trees, water, lights etc). Dad calls it the angry (very) young man symptom. Yesterday, I was looking at my lawn and shouting at the moving plants - dunno why. Let's hope this phase passes soon... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
June 13, 2009
I spoke to the entire family yesterday ...back in Bombay. It was fun to hear Ba, Nana, Nani, Fia, Fua and rest of the family all calling my name and seeing me on the webcam. They all said I have this uncanny resemblance to Dad...hmm...Mom, don't feel too bad. Ba chanted stutis for me and Jeej, Fia and Anshbhai were all very excited to talk and see me! It was nice to see/hear them as well ...I want to plan a longer session next time with them. Being in different countries makes me miss them ..... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
June 9, 2009
After seeing, hearing and smiling at people, I have now slowly started developing my grasping capabilites where I clench my fists and hold my t-shirt raising it to my eyes! Dad keeps saying 'no pulling t-shirt' but Mom has been allowing me :) Holding on to Mom's and Dad's fingers and playing with my balloon have helped me develop the power to hold things and now I latch onto anything (and everything!) But its fun... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
June 7, 2009
I'm soo happy I finally have a new home!! Its my new crib!! Though I liked my bassinette for the first 3 months, I think I've outgrown it now and need something bigger! Here it is..my new throne!  I love the fascinating colors and the fact it overlooks the lawn so I can see my grass and leaves in the morning. But most of all I like my friends in this crib - all my fishes! I'm just starting to get comfortable in it and think I do have a lot more space! Back to my hood..... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
May 25, 2009
I'm currently enjoying the long weekend with parents - a lot of socializing, playing, and being exposed to new environments. Talking to soo many people does tire me out..but its been fun. I'm slowly getting to understanding and respond to whats being read to me, and I hope to start my reading session soon. This weekend gave Dad good time with me also. Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
May 23, 2009
...I'm back! I know its been a while since I updated you guys with the latest and greatest in my development. I've been busy meeting new people and socializing with parents. But, i'm growing quickly and think I'm very close to outgrowing my bassinette - for some reason this makes my parents happy. I've started making new cooing sounds, responding to music, understanding different sounds, and expressing my joy and displeasure through distinct yelps. I've also started going to SF more often now... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
May 10, 2009
I am so excited that Mom, Dad and I celebrated my first Mother's day today. Mom was thrilled and so was I that I could do something small for her in return for all her love, support and care. Needless to say, she freaked on the dessert when we brought in this special day for her! Last week I've been really enjoying my showers and maalish and been sleeping 'like a baby' after it. I have started holding onto things lightly (Dad says I need to tighten my grip more). Mom and I have been playing a ... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
May 8, 2009
I'm thrilled to have finally received my US passport today - so I guess now I'm officially the first "US citizen" in the Sanghavi family. Parents are definitely happy and are working on my next 'Indian' identity. Though I already believe I have and always will be Indian first.....Jai Ho!! Oh and here's a pic of me after Dad got my passport in his hand: Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
May 2, 2009
Toys - often a new child's best gift - and one of mine is definitely my smiley star. I love the colors and the sounds it makes. I missed my smiley star for a couple of days when the batteries were dead :( I often looked at the star hoping it would turn on its melodious sounds, but it didn't. Dad finally replaced the batteries and now my smiley star is back!! Also, every morning that I wake up I look forward to the curtains being drawn to show me the view of the lawn and the clear blue sky. I'm... Continue reading...
Posted by Hetav S.
Quite a digital kid...
Veer Sanghavi |
Fremont, Ca |
I'm an early-adopter of tech and quite a techie (not coding, programming), but trying new web 2.0 services. I'm actively growing and have my staff updating this site and blog often - I have accepted the TOS for them representing me. I'm also on Facebook, GMail, Y! Mail, YouTube.
Not sure yet what I want to be once I grow up, but have time for that...just focusing on being healthy and playful in these growing years..